What you believe to be true or false, right or wrong, good or bad, is based on just that—your beliefs. You infuse your beliefs with conviction and assign them a corresponding emotion based on your own experience. When a situation arises, your emotions and your corresponding belief system kicks in immediately, and without a great deal of thought you respond according to what has been reinforced throughout your life based on your experiences and circumstances. This is how you see your world, through your own perceptions shaped by the cycle of (first) what you believe is what you see and (reinforced through) what you see is what you believe.
A recent example illustrates what I mean: Two friends, let’s call them Thelma and Louise, were out for a walk through our village. As they neared an historic two level building whose entrance was on the second floor, they saw a woman emerge from the building gesticulating wildly and shouting in anger and outrage. She glared at Thelma and Louise from the top of the stairs and angrily exclaimed “Go ahead, stare all you want!”
Thelma immediately saw ‘danger’ and called the police on her cell phone. Louise, on the other hand, saw a person in distress. “I wonder if she needs help?” While Thelma was on the phone speaking to the police, Louise, with care and concern, asked the woman, “Do you need help?” It turns out the woman was in distress, angered by a perceived injustice that had happened to her at a local art gallery. As she explained (loudly) to Louise and everyone who would listen what had happened; she calmed substantially when she heard a few words of sympathetic kindness. Obviously, this woman’s coping strategies had failed her. Who knows what had triggered this deep outrage, but it illustrates the difference between how different people will respond in different ways. Two very different perspectives of the exact same circumstance. Thelma’s response arose from a place of fear, from perceived danger; Louise’s response came from caring and concern—from Love.
In order to change your life, you need to change your thoughts, change your words arising from those thoughts, and your actions arising from those thoughts. What you THINK and FEEL will create every experience in your life; your sickness, your poverty, your unhappiness, your despair; OR your happiness, your joy, your prosperity, your love. You reap exactly as you sow.
So, how do you do this? How do you change your life?
First, you need to agree with, and understand that at the core of your being, everything you believe, is just that, a belief. And following that new perspective, understanding that if you change your beliefs, you can change your life. There is a specific process to follow once you first understand this about beliefs. A first good step to come to the fundamental understanding that everything you believe is just a belief, is a book by Richard Brodie, titled Virus of the Mind.
As reported in Wikipedia, Richard Brodie was hired in 1981 as Microsoft's 77th employee and a founding member of the Microsoft Application Division. Brodie distinguished himself at Microsoft by creating the first version of Microsoft Word in less than seven months.
I suggest you pick it up Brodie’s book and give it a read.